Who’s on a Scrum team?

Vollcom Digital GmbH
2 min readMay 7, 2020


The goal of the Scrum model is to constantly optimize productivity, flexibility and creativity to create the best possible product/service.

The self-organized Scrum Team consists of a Product Owner, a development team and the Scrum Master.
Self-organized means that the team itself decides how it does its work, so it is not dictated by someone outside the team. A Scrum Team is therefore independent from people outside the team.

Because the products are delivered iteratively (= approaching the solution step by step) and incrementally (= building on each other), there is always a possibility for feedback.

About the individual roles:

product owner
The task of the product owner is to optimize the value of the product.

  • He is also the representative of the customer’s interests, so the product owner can also be the customer himself. He is the one who is in contact with the stakeholders.
  • One of his tasks is to write the backlog entries in a clear and understandable way and to sort them so that the goals can be achieved. However, he can also perform the backlog tasks together with the development team.
  • Another important part is to monitor the progress. The product owner gives feedback in a review meeting and presents the work done.

The development team

  • The development team organizes itself, which means that the team itself decides how the tasks are solved. The resulting synergy ensures that overall efficiency and effectiveness is improved.
  • The team has all the skills needed to create a product cream
  • No further subdivisions are made such as “Test” or “Analysis”.
  • Accountability is the responsibility of the whole team and not a single person

scrum master

  • The Scrum Master helps all participants to understand the Scrum theory, rules and values. Among other things he helps those who are not part of the Scrum team to understand which interactions are helpful and which are not.

The Scrum Master helps the Product Owner with the following:
He makes sure that the goals are understood as well as possible within the Scrum Team

  • Helps with techniques to manage the backlog
  • Providing the right understanding
  • Support in the implementation of Scrum events, if necessary

The Scrum Master supports the development team with the following:

  • Coaching the development team
  • Support in the creation of high-quality products
  • Also support in the implementation of Scrum events, if necessary
  • Removal of obstacles that hinder the team

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Vollcom Digital GmbH

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