What is Scrum?
Scrum is based on the theory of empirical process control or “empiricism” for short. Empiricism means that you gain knowledge from experience and you make decisions based on what you know. Scrum takes an iterative, incremental approach to optimize predictability and control risk.
Scrum is an approach to project management that is aligned with the Agile Manifesto. The Agile Manifesto is a description of the core values of agile project management:
- Individuals and their interactions are above processes and tools.
- Functioning software is above comprehensive documentation
- Collaboration with the customer is above contract negotiation.
- Responding to change is above following a plan.
Three pillars
Three pillars support any empirical process control: Transparency, Review, and Adjustments.
Transparency requires that you define tasks according to a common standard so that viewers share a common understanding of what they see.
Scrum users need to regularly review Scrum artifacts and progress against Sprint goal achievement to identify issues and deviations. Their examinations should not be so frequent that they interfere with work.
If it is determined that the results are deviating from acceptable limits and that the resulting product will not be as acceptable, the team must make adjustments.
Roles in Scrum
In Scrum, you do a basic distinction between:
- Roles
- Activities
- Artifacts
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