The 6 stages of a Scrum Sprint
The smallest controlling unit for project progress is a sprint. It consists of time-limited periods where key parts of the project are completed. The aim is to achieve the product goal at the end.
The Scrum Guide calls sprints „the heartbeat of Scrum where ideas are turned into value“. It is a foundational part of Scrum. During a sprint, the team plans to complete a certain amount of work in regular intervals. These intervals are sprints. They have fixed lengths that typically last no longer than 4 weeks.
6 Stages of a Sprint
Each sprint may be considered a short project. Right after a previous sprint, a new one starts immediately. This iterative process repeats multiple times until reaching a final solution. A sprint itself consists of different stages.
1. Pre-planning
Before the sprint can start, make sure to do your homework. Create your product backlog with all the tasks the project contains. Furthermore, establish the product roadmap, create a product vision and develop epics.
2. Sprint planning
The team plans and defines what needs to be completed. This typically happens by moving most important backlog items to the sprint backlog. The team has to estimate tasks and create user stories. This stage also involves identifying the sprint goal.
3. Daily Scrum
It is a daily stand-up meeting to stay on track. The team members share what they have worked on and if there were obstacles that hindered their work. It ensures that everyone is aware of the current tasks and aligned on the sprint goal.
4. Implementation
This phase is about the execution of the tickets in the sprint board. The team works on the planned tasks and tries to complete the work.
5. Sprint review
Once the sprint is finished, the team reviews the work. They evaluate what went well and what could be improved. Product owner and stakeholder(s) have the opportunity to provide feedback.
6. Sprint retrospective
The team looks back at the sprint and identifies improvements for the next sprint. The aim is always to improve the team’s performance. The reflection is part of every sprint. In this way the team learns lessons during the project and is able to improve their collaboration.
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