Software testing
Due to the ever changing business requirements, software testing methods are also constantly changing. Agile processes, for example, can enable a better response to customer requirements.
Testing is not an activity that is performed as a whole at the end, it accompanies the entire development process. Testing is a continuous process that is accompanied from beginning to end.
Four test categories can be distinguished: Unit test, integration test, system test and acceptance test.
unit test
The first step is the unit test or also called component test. Here smaller “units” of the source code are tested. The developer writes test methods for this so that these units can be tested individually. By testing the functionality, a quick debugging of the source code is possible and also a quick check during development.
Integration test
After the unit tests the testing of the interfaces continues. Here the dependency between the individual components is tested, as well as the interfaces and results of complete processes. In this way, errors in the transfer of values or other errors can be detected.
System test
In the next phase the system test follows. Here the software is checked for all requirements. The test is performed in a defined test environment. Functional requirements determine the concrete tasks of the software, non-functional requirements are, for example, reliability and user-friendliness, these requirements are more difficult to determine and test.
This is advantageous as a good preparation for the acceptance of the software and also for the documentation of the functionality.
Acceptance test
Most of the time, the testing is done intuitively by the customer, because the customer wants to test the software before paying the invoice. The customer checks the software with real data from his own company. The advantage of this is the successful completion, because if the other tests are positive, it probably will be.
Despite the additional effort involved in testing, software testing provides quality assurance. Errors can be detected and thus changes can be made.
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