Definition of done vs Acceptance Criteria
Definition of done vs acceptance criteria? As a Scrum Master you may often be asked what the difference is between the Definition of done and the Acceptance Criteria. Therefore we have explained the difference here.
What is a Definition of Done?
A Definition of Done is a checklist of activities that must be checked off for each User Story. This means that they are activities that apply to each User Story. The goal of a general checklist per User Story is:
1. Agreement between the development team and the product owner on when a user story is ready. Clear expectations are the basis for good collaboration.
2. Increasing the speed at which the work can be done. By having a universally applicable checklist available, high-quality work can be delivered quickly.
The Definition of Done is repeated at the beginning of each Sprint in the planning meeting. In addition, the Definition of Done is sharpened based on progressive findings.
Goals of the Definition of Done
The goals of the definition of done are, first, to clarify what the team can expect before work begins. They are also to ensure that there is a common understanding and that all team members know when a story is done.
Example of “Definition of Done” in an IT Scrum team
- All code has been written
- The required user documentation has been created and is available
- There are installation instructions for the software
- All functional tests have been performed
- The code has been peer-reviewed
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