Corporate Culture
What does one understand by corporate culture?
A corporate culture is a system of values, norms and behaviour that are lived and accepted. These values and norms shape the decisions and actions of its members. Corporate culture includes, for example, how the ranking of employees is structured or which functions belong to which business level. The corporate culture affects the entire day-to-day business and all areas.
The aim is to achieve a certain reputation, because the behaviour of employees and managers is perceived externally.
How important is the corporate culture?
Corporate culture has a major influence on the success of companies, because if employees can identify with the company, they are more likely to stay with the company. The motivation of employees can be increased by conforming to the values and standards. Corporate culture is closely related to job satisfaction, which can make a positive contribution to the success of the company.
Benefits of a corporate culture that employees can identify with:
- More motivation of the employees and therefore better performance
- Good image towards the applicants
- Stronger ties to the company
To positively influence the development of the corporate culture
If the corporate culture is to be changed because, for example, employees can no longer be retained, the management level should first analyse the management style, because this ensures that employees feel valued and are more satisfied. Furthermore, a mission statement can be formulated and teambuilding measures can be taken or events can be organized.
Corporate culture is an important success factor for the company
The employees feel valued and the positive corporate culture also has a positive effect on the image.
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