Agile Marketing — Scrum in Content Marketing
We have already summarized what is meant by agile marketing in a blog post. You can find the blog post here.
Also in content marketing agile methods are becoming more and more important. Through more personal responsibility of the employees the use of agile methods leads to more transparency and better communication. Due to smaller teams, efficiency can be increased significantly. The goal is to produce high-quality content in less time.
Why produce high-quality content?
Through regular content a company can present itself to the outside world. The content has an influence on the credibility of a company, because the more often content is published, the more trust customers have in a company. In addition, regular posting increases visibility and also increases customer loyalty or ties to potential customers.
In content marketing, this means that when creating content, the focus is on customer needs. In order to identify customer needs, the tasks must be integrated into the organization and work processes must be adapted according to the agile models. This includes making ongoing processes transparent and communicating them openly.
How can Scrum and Marketing work together?
The classic editorial plan can be simplified here with Scrum. Instead of collecting the topics in the editorial plan, they can be collected directly in the backlog. This is managed by the product owner. In the backlog tasks can be prioritized and the effort can be estimated. The team can decide within the sprint which tasks are processed and how. This allows the team members to build in their skills, which leads to more satisfaction and motivation in the team. Also here you should plan a daily scrum every day, what this is you can find here.
Agile marketing offers a possibility to solve problems quickly and future-oriented. Also in the future the trends will be more and more fast moving and the customer demands will be higher.
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