The trend towards remote working continues to grow, especially in project management. In many cases, remote work is even expected. But all team membersneed to pull in the same direction to make everything work without problems and to make working together as comfortable as possible. That’s why we’ve collected 5 tips you should know as a remote worker.
tip 1: pretend you’re in the office
Even at home it can help to keep a routine and even if it’s tempting to work all day in sweatpants, it certainly makes sense to wear proper clothes as well to get a more productive feeling right away.
Even in the home office, you have things to do and can’t run errands all day, so you should stick roughly to the hours you would work in the office.
tip 2: stay in communication with the team
It is important that all team members see that you are available. Only in this way is it certain that communication can work smoothly. It is, without the direct contact, even more important to give feedback, comment on tasks and share work progress with others.
tip 3: use tools
Remote working is easier with the right tools. All kinds of tools for communication and collaboration are helpful. You can find helpful tools here: 4 agile project management tools
tip 4: daily meetings
As mentioned, it is important for the team to always stay in touch. Sharing ideas and exchanging information about the current status is easier if there is a fixed time when the team is informed about the work status and you can exchange ideas.
Good structure is important here, as scheduling with remote teams can sometimes be difficult.
tip 5: set up a fixed workstation at home as well
Even at home it is important to have a practical place where work can be done. The best place is an office where you can close the door and work without interruptions. Then meetings won’t be a problem either.
final thoughts
Remote work is becoming more and more important and has also become more of a trend. With a flexible attitude and the right tools, however, this can also be implemented.
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